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2015 ICEFA in Dresden
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Simple improved equations for arc flash hazard analysis (320,2 KiB)
Protection of power electronic multi converter sytems (200,7 KiB)
Damage avoidance due to the use of high voltage fuses (495,5 KiB)
Fuse link protection in the challenging and extreme conditions (360,1 KiB)
The challenges for fuse links in the protection of PV systems (227,7 KiB)
Characterization of fuse for applications under high di dts (534,6 KiB)
A generic model for fuses to calculate the transients (501,2 KiB)
Guidance for the application of low voltage fuses (449,5 KiB)
Experimental evaluation of the magnetic pressure (340,4 KiB)
Hihgest level of professional training on circuit protection (954,0 KiB)