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1991 ICEFA in Nottingham
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A theroretical approximation of the time-current characteristic of miniature fuses (960,7 KiB)
An experimental investigation of interrupting performance of HV expulsion fuses (1,5 MiB)
An integrated physical model for the HBC fuse arhing process (1,3 MiB)
Analysis of prearcing time-current characteristics of fuselinks (1,5 MiB)
Application of the expert system for the selection of capacitor fuses (1,2 MiB)
Breaking tests of low breaking capacity miniature fuselinks (1,0 MiB)
Calculation fuse pre-arcing times by transmission-line modelling TLM (1,2 MiB)
Choices for the presentation of fuse melting curves (1,2 MiB)
Contactors protected by fuses - risk of contact welding (1,2 MiB)
Contributions concerning new extinction media in ultra-fast fuses up to 2000 V a c (1,3 MiB)
Coordination of fuse-starters - new standards new needs (1,3 MiB)
Developments in the modelling of fuse breaking tests (1,4 MiB)
Electrothermal fuse-element disintegrating mechanism by short-circuit currents (1,1 MiB)
Endurance of semiconductor fuses under cyclic loading (1,6 MiB)
Fusing and Short Circuit Interruption Behaviour of Metal Film Fuses (1,6 MiB)
Influence of short-circuit power factor on the cut-off current of LV fuses (1,1 MiB)
Investigation for the use of sopper as an element material in HV-HBC-fuses (1,4 MiB)
Mathematical modelling of the heat transfer phenomena in variable section fusible elements (1,3 MiB)
Non adiabatic process in fuse elements with heavy current faults (1,1 MiB)
Performance criteria for compact industrial fuselinks (1,2 MiB)
Principal manufacture technologies for semiconductor fuses (1,5 MiB)
Protection of motor controllers using north american time delay fuses (1,1 MiB)
Research on horse shoe core type axial magnetic field vacuum fuse (1,1 MiB)
Semiconductor fuses with aluminium current-carrying parts - problems and prospects (1,4 MiB)
Some design and application aspects of very small fuses (1,0 MiB)
Spectrum Analysis of an Ablation-Stabilised Arc in Ice (1,6 MiB)
Steady-state current-sharing in fuses with asymmetrical arrangements of parallel elements (1,2 MiB)
The calculation of the parameters of the plasma of the arc in a fuse (1,3 MiB)
The computer analysis of breaking current process in sand filler fuses (1,2 MiB)
The distribution of constrictions in corrugated fuse elements (1,3 MiB)
The effects of supply frequency on the performance of A.C. fuses (1,2 MiB)
The electrical exploding wires application in the power cirquit breakers (1,1 MiB)
The use of optical spectroscopy in the analysis of electric fuse arcing (1,1 MiB)
Thermal process in SF6-filled fuses below the minimum melting current (1,3 MiB)
Underwriters Laboratories Inc Standards for Safety for Fuses (1,3 MiB)